Livestock Wx
Subsoil Moisture Update: Dry in the West, Wet in the East
- livestockwx
- May 1, 2020
- 11:02 pm
USDA is expected to release its first pasture and range report next week for the 2020 growing season. In anticipation of the report we thought we would take a look at the current state of soil moisture and where we stand with drought around the country.
The map below shows the percent area of subsoils considered in the Very Short and Short categories for each state by USDA. Note the striking divergence between the West and the Midwest and East.

If you want a better break down for each state, the map below shows a new tool by NASA that estimates root zone soil moisture—among other things—each week for the Contiguous U.S. The data are from the GRACE satellite mission and are percentiles based on averages between the years 1948-2012. The most current map paints a fairly somber picture for parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and the West/Pacific Northwest.